Packaging UK       Easily get the winning solutions  Be the Best



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Get the winning solutions
PACKSOFT is inbeatable !

Packaging consistently have new challanges ...

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super fort intéractif

I get good solutions with Packsoft

even for complex problems

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The interface is easy to use

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the optimizer has 81 algorithms

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a lot of possible synergies

3 clics

Packsoft is reactive

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I create my packaging in 3 clicks !
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Packsoft is user-friendly

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according my lay out
I edit my packaging data sheet
I can customize my plan by many ways …
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... suggested and classified according my constraints
I can consult variants...
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Exemple : a box & a weight limite
=> the 4 best palletisation plans

Packsoft is adaptative

All is so logical, that one can’t imagine that we have at our disposal, 81 ways of optimizations, with a wide range of parameters.
From simple to complex survey designs, with the fewest number of entries I always obtain the best possible solution.
The interface guide me with successive logical pictograms

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Packsoft is powerfull !
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Packsoft offers many interfaces with other systems

Packsoft is interactive

That multiplies the value of Packsoft



Packaging is a decisive factor of success.

To obtain the winner solutions in your context, you have a range of unequalled applications :


o       Packsoft :  optimizes packaging, palletization and truck loading ;




o       Packsoft  M :  is Packsoft's multi-sites version ; 





 o       PackTiv’ : manages the collaboration of the various Departments of your Company from your packaging design to their distribution ;


PackTiv 1 



o       Paletsoft : optimizes palletization ;



o       FreePal : Paletsoft free initial version ;







... with a module complementary to each of them :

o       Packdoc : personalization of the page layouts of your packaging datasheets ;




... with a module for your partners :

o       Packview : viewer of the solutions produced by FreePal, Paletsoft or Packsoft ;





... and the initial software of the whole range :


o       Pilotpal : driver module for case pakers and palletizing robots ;




Choose the system which is appropiate to you ...