Easily get the winning solutions !
Packaging is a decisive factor of success.
To obtain the winner solutions in your context, you have a range of unequalled applications :
o Packsoft : optimizes packaging, palletization and truck loading ;
o Packsoft M : is Packsoft's multi-sites version ;
o PackTiv’ : manages the collaboration of the various Departments of your Company from your packaging design to their distribution ;
o Paletsoft : optimizes palletization ;
o FreePal : Paletsoft free initial version ;
... with a module complementary to each of them :
o Packdoc : personalization of the page layouts of your packaging datasheets ;
... with a module for your partners :
o Packview : viewer of the solutions produced by FreePal, Paletsoft or Packsoft ;
... and the initial software of the whole range :
o Pilotpal : driver module for case pakers and palletizing robots ;
Choose the system which is appropiate to you ...